- 2021
- 2021 kalender
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
- 2025
- 3.0
- A3
- Accessoires
- acid
- acid wash
- adiletten
- aqua
- aquafoam
- asteroid
- autogramm
- bade schlappen
- badehose
- badeschlappen
- badeschuhe
- bag
- banana
- bandana
- bar
- bar bag
- basics
- batic
- batik
- batik shirt
- bdana
- beige
- beige fitted motion longsleeve
- beige shirt
- bike
- bike Hosen lang
- bike kollektion
- Bikepark
- Bikeparks
- bikepart
- bikeparts
- bilder
- black
- black camo
- black friday
- black hoodie
- black motion
- black pants
- black shirt
- black week
- blackout
- blackout deals
- blackout week
- blau
- blau kariert
- blauer hoodie
- blaues hemd
- blaues polo
- blaues shirt
- blaues t shirt
- blue
- blue graphite
- blue hose
- blue polo
- blue shirt
- boys
- braun
- braune hose
- brauner hoodie
- braunes jersey
- braunes langarmshirt
- braunes shirt
- brille
- brown
- brown jersey
- buch
- buch Lukas
- buda
- budda
- buddha
- buddha hoodie
- budha
- bundle
- bundle aktion
- burgunder
- burgundy
- bus
- bus shirt
- calendar
- cam
- camo
- camo Cargo hose
- camo drop
- camo dust
- camo fall collection
- camo hose
- camo jersey
- camo mudguard
- camo tasche
- Camoflage
- camouflage
- camu
- capaktion
- cargo
- cargo hose
- cargo pant
- cargo pants
- classics
- classics revisited
- clear vision sunnies
- cloud
- cloud shirt
- collection
- college
- college jacke
- collegejacke
- Commander
- commander pants
- coral
- coral lognsleeve
- crew
- crewneck
- dark camo
- deal
- dh pant
- dh pants
- dirt
- dirt camo
- dirt hose
- dirt shirt
- dirtjump
- downhill
- downhill hose
- dust
- dust pant
- dusty
- dusty pants
- dwonhill
- embroidery basics
- ersatz
- Ersatzgläser
- fahrrad
- fahrrad tasche
- fahrradbrille
- fahrradhose
- fahrradtasche
- fahrradteile
- fanell
- fire & desire
- flanel
- flanell
- flanellhemd
- flece
- fleece
- flieder
- flies
- forest
- forrest
- forrest batik
- forrest camo
- forrest green
- forrest green jersey
- forrestgreen
- freeride
- gang
- gelb
- germany
- germany camo
- glas
- gläser
- goggle
- gogle
- grau
- grau camo
- grau como
- graue hose
- green
- green batik
- green jersey
- gren
- grey
- grey camo
- grey shirt
- griff
- griffe
- grips
- gruen
- grün
- grün batik
- grüne hose
- guard
- halfzip
- handlebar
- haus schuhe
- Hausschuhe
- hellbraun
- hemd
- hemden
- high school
- high school shirt
- highschool
- himmelblue
- hip bag
- hoddi
- hoddie
- hodie
- hoodie
- hoodie blau
- hoodie bundle
- hose
- hosen
- Hosen Kids
- how to
- how to stunt it
- howtostuntit
- hüfttasche
- jacke
- jacket
- jahreskalender
- jahreskalender 2023
- jersey
- jersey collection
- jersey kollektion
- jersey shirt
- jingjang
- joger
- jogger
- jogging
- jogging hose
- jogging pants
- joker
- kalander
- kalender 2024
- kalender bundle
- kalenderbundle
- kapuzenpulli
- kapuzenpullover
- kariert
- Kids
- Kinder
- kindertag
- klamotten
- kleidung
- kollektion
- kombi
- kurz
- kurze
- kurze hose
- köhler
- königsblau
- lang
- langarm
- langarm shirt
- langarmshirt
- langarmshirt braun
- Lenker
- lenker aktion
- lenker tasche
- lenkertasche
- life short stunt it
- life's short stunt it
- lifes short
- lifes short stunt it
- lightblue
- lila
- lila hoodie
- lila hose
- lila jogger
- lilac
- lilac crewneck
- long sleeve
- longsleeve
- longsleeve babyblau
- loop
- lukas kalender
- Lukas knopf
- Lukas Knopf Merch
- M
- m shirt
- mask
- maske
- mercury
- mercury cream
- mercury cream zip hoodie
- min
- mint
- mintboys
- minze
- motion
- motion bandana
- motion basics
- motion black
- motion letten
- motion longsleeve
- motion pullover
- motion slides
- motion stick
- mountainbike parts
- mtb
- mtb gear
- Mtb kit drop
- Mtb shorts
- mtn
- mtn bar bag
- mtn comp
- mtn components
- mtn sunnies
- mtngang
- mtnslides
- mud
- mudfender
- mudguard
- mudguard hinten
- mudguards
- mundschutz
- mut guart
- mut guart hinten
- nasenschutz
- neu
- new arrival
- new arrivals
- new in
- orange
- oranges longsleeve
- ostern
- oversized
- pant
- pants
- part
- peach
- peachy
- pink
- pink longsleeve
- pink shirt
- pinker pullover
- polo
- polo blau
- polo shirt
- polo t shirt
- poster
- project function
- pulli
- pulli blau
- pullis
- pullover
- purple
- purple hoodie
- purple hose
- rahmen tasche
- rahmentasche
- red
- red velvet
- reflective
- reiss
- reißverschluss
- reverse
- robert
- robert köhler
- rot
- royal blue
- rucksack
- sattel
- sattelstütze
- schlappen
- schuhe
- schutz
- schutz Blech
- schutzblech
- Schutzbleche
- schwarz
- schwarz weiß
- schwarz weißes flanell
- schwarze hose
- schwarzer hoodie
- schwarzes longsleeeve
- schwarzes shirt
- seat
- shirt
- shirt bundle
- shorts
- shortsdrop
- Signature
- skatepark
- skatepark buch
- slides
- slipper
- sommer
- Sonnenbrille
- speed
- speed & style
- speed & style sunnies
- splash
- splash jersey
- spotlight
- sprung
- sprünge
- stay mint
- stem
- stepphoodie
- sticker
- stone
- stone pants
- stone wash
- stone wash crewneck
- stone wash hoodie
- stone washed
- stone washed hoodie
- stone washed shirt
- stunt
- stunt buch
- stunt it
- stunt it buch
- stunt it shirt
- Stunt It! - Produkte
- stuntit
- stunts
- style
- stütze
- summer shirt
- summershirt
- sunnies
- sweat pants
- sweater
- sweatpant
- sweatshirt
- t
- t shirt
- take off
- takeoff
- technical
- tee
- teile
- terra
- terra mudguard
- tie dye
- tie dye shirt
- trick buch
- Trickbuch
- tricks
- trikot
- tshirt
- Unterschrift
- van
- van shirt
- velvet
- Vorbau
- vorbau aktion
- vorbestellen
- vorbestellung
- weihnachten
- weis
- weiß kariert
- weißer hoodie
- weißes hemd
- weißes jersey
- weißes langarmshirt
- weißes longsleeve
- weißes shirt
- welt
- weltkugel
- white
- white jersey
- white shirt
- wolke
- worldwide
- Worldwide Collection
- worldwide2.0
- yellow
- yin
- yingyang
- yinyang
- yinyang collection
- yinyang kollektion
- yinyang2.0
- zero gravity
- zero gravity hoodie
- zip
- zip hoddie
- zip hoodie
- zip jacke
- zipper
- 2021
- 2021 kalender
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
- 2025
- 3.0
- A3
- Accessoires
- acid
- acid wash
- adiletten
- aqua
- aquafoam
- asteroid
- autogramm
- bade schlappen
- badehose
- badeschlappen
- badeschuhe
- bag
- banana
- bandana
- bar
- bar bag
- basics
- batic
- batik
- batik shirt
- bdana
- beige
- beige fitted motion longsleeve
- beige shirt
- bike
- bike Hosen lang
- bike kollektion
- Bikepark
- Bikeparks
- bikepart
- bikeparts
- bilder
- black
- black camo
- black friday
- black hoodie
- black motion
- black pants
- black shirt
- black week
- blackout
- blackout deals
- blackout week
- blau
- blau kariert
- blauer hoodie
- blaues hemd
- blaues polo
- blaues shirt
- blaues t shirt
- blue
- blue graphite
- blue hose
- blue polo
- blue shirt
- boys
- braun
- braune hose
- brauner hoodie
- braunes jersey
- braunes langarmshirt
- braunes shirt
- brille
- brown
- brown jersey
- buch
- buch Lukas
- buda
- budda
- buddha
- buddha hoodie
- budha
- bundle
- bundle aktion
- burgunder
- burgundy
- bus
- bus shirt
- calendar
- cam
- camo
- camo Cargo hose
- camo drop
- camo dust
- camo fall collection
- camo hose
- camo jersey
- camo mudguard
- camo tasche
- Camoflage
- camouflage
- camu
- capaktion
- cargo
- cargo hose
- cargo pant
- cargo pants
- classics
- classics revisited
- clear vision sunnies
- cloud
- cloud shirt
- collection
- college
- college jacke
- collegejacke
- Commander
- commander pants
- coral
- coral lognsleeve
- crew
- crewneck
- dark camo
- deal
- dh pant
- dh pants
- dirt
- dirt camo
- dirt hose
- dirt shirt
- dirtjump
- downhill
- downhill hose
- dust
- dust pant
- dusty
- dusty pants
- dwonhill
- embroidery basics
- ersatz
- Ersatzgläser
- fahrrad
- fahrrad tasche
- fahrradbrille
- fahrradhose
- fahrradtasche
- fahrradteile
- fanell
- fire & desire
- flanel
- flanell
- flanellhemd
- flece
- fleece
- flieder
- flies
- forest
- forrest
- forrest batik
- forrest camo
- forrest green
- forrest green jersey
- forrestgreen
- freeride
- gang
- gelb
- germany
- germany camo
- glas
- gläser
- goggle
- gogle
- grau
- grau camo
- grau como
- graue hose
- green
- green batik
- green jersey
- gren
- grey
- grey camo
- grey shirt
- griff
- griffe
- grips
- gruen
- grün
- grün batik
- grüne hose
- guard
- halfzip
- handlebar
- haus schuhe
- Hausschuhe
- hellbraun
- hemd
- hemden
- high school
- high school shirt
- highschool
- himmelblue
- hip bag
- hoddi
- hoddie
- hodie
- hoodie
- hoodie blau
- hoodie bundle
- hose
- hosen
- Hosen Kids
- how to
- how to stunt it
- howtostuntit
- hüfttasche
- jacke
- jacket
- jahreskalender
- jahreskalender 2023
- jersey
- jersey collection
- jersey kollektion
- jersey shirt
- jingjang
- joger
- jogger
- jogging
- jogging hose
- jogging pants
- joker
- kalander
- kalender 2024
- kalender bundle
- kalenderbundle
- kapuzenpulli
- kapuzenpullover
- kariert
- Kids
- Kinder
- kindertag
- klamotten
- kleidung
- kollektion
- kombi
- kurz
- kurze
- kurze hose
- köhler
- königsblau
- lang
- langarm
- langarm shirt
- langarmshirt
- langarmshirt braun
- Lenker
- lenker aktion
- lenker tasche
- lenkertasche
- life short stunt it
- life's short stunt it
- lifes short
- lifes short stunt it
- lightblue
- lila
- lila hoodie
- lila hose
- lila jogger
- lilac
- lilac crewneck
- long sleeve
- longsleeve
- longsleeve babyblau
- loop
- lukas kalender
- Lukas knopf
- Lukas Knopf Merch
- M
- m shirt
- mask
- maske
- mercury
- mercury cream
- mercury cream zip hoodie
- min
- mint
- mintboys
- minze
- motion
- motion bandana
- motion basics
- motion black
- motion letten
- motion longsleeve
- motion pullover
- motion slides
- motion stick
- mountainbike parts
- mtb
- mtb gear
- Mtb kit drop
- Mtb shorts
- mtn
- mtn bar bag
- mtn comp
- mtn components
- mtn sunnies
- mtngang
- mtnslides
- mud
- mudfender
- mudguard
- mudguard hinten
- mudguards
- mundschutz
- mut guart
- mut guart hinten
- nasenschutz
- neu
- new arrival
- new arrivals
- new in
- orange
- oranges longsleeve
- ostern
- oversized
- pant
- pants
- part
- peach
- peachy
- pink
- pink longsleeve
- pink shirt
- pinker pullover
- polo
- polo blau
- polo shirt
- polo t shirt
- poster
- project function
- pulli
- pulli blau
- pullis
- pullover
- purple
- purple hoodie
- purple hose
- rahmen tasche
- rahmentasche
- red
- red velvet
- reflective
- reiss
- reißverschluss
- reverse
- robert
- robert köhler
- rot
- royal blue
- rucksack
- sattel
- sattelstütze
- schlappen
- schuhe
- schutz
- schutz Blech
- schutzblech
- Schutzbleche
- schwarz
- schwarz weiß
- schwarz weißes flanell
- schwarze hose
- schwarzer hoodie
- schwarzes longsleeeve
- schwarzes shirt
- seat
- shirt
- shirt bundle
- shorts
- shortsdrop
- Signature
- skatepark
- skatepark buch
- slides
- slipper
- sommer
- Sonnenbrille
- speed
- speed & style
- speed & style sunnies
- splash
- splash jersey
- spotlight
- sprung
- sprünge
- stay mint
- stem
- stepphoodie
- sticker
- stone
- stone pants
- stone wash
- stone wash crewneck
- stone wash hoodie
- stone washed
- stone washed hoodie
- stone washed shirt
- stunt
- stunt buch
- stunt it
- stunt it buch
- stunt it shirt
- Stunt It! - Produkte
- stuntit
- stunts
- style
- stütze
- summer shirt
- summershirt
- sunnies
- sweat pants
- sweater
- sweatpant
- sweatshirt
- t
- t shirt
- take off
- takeoff
- technical
- tee
- teile
- terra
- terra mudguard
- tie dye
- tie dye shirt
- trick buch
- Trickbuch
- tricks
- trikot
- tshirt
- Unterschrift
- van
- van shirt
- velvet
- Vorbau
- vorbau aktion
- vorbestellen
- vorbestellung
- weihnachten
- weis
- weiß kariert
- weißer hoodie
- weißes hemd
- weißes jersey
- weißes langarmshirt
- weißes longsleeve
- weißes shirt
- welt
- weltkugel
- white
- white jersey
- white shirt
- wolke
- worldwide
- Worldwide Collection
- worldwide2.0
- yellow
- yin
- yingyang
- yinyang
- yinyang collection
- yinyang kollektion
- yinyang2.0
- zero gravity
- zero gravity hoodie
- zip
- zip hoddie
- zip hoodie
- zip jacke
- zipper
Die MTN Black Week ist da!
Vom 25.11. - 1.12. (23:59 Uhr) sind viele Produkte für euch reduziert & es gibt einige Fette Bundles!
Viel Spaß beim Shoppen und Tragen.
Euer Lukas
85 products
A3 Kalender 2025 + Stunt It! HOODIE + T-SHIRT Bundle
Regular price €87,14 Sale price €66,13 Save €21,01A3 Kalender 2025 + Stunt It! Hoodie Bundle + T-SHIRT Bundle
✔️ 1x A3 Kalender 2025
✔️ 1x Stunt It! Hoodie in deiner Größe (bitte auswählen)
✔️ 1x Stunt It! Shirt in deiner Größe (bitte auswählen)
✔️ im Bundle über 25€ reduziert!
Informationen zum Kalender:
Kreiert in Zusammenarbeit mit Robert Köhler, Go-To-Fotograf von Lukas - @visualize_productions !
12 Monate mit den 12 Besten Shots, die die beiden zusammen verwirklicht haben. ( + das Deckblatt als Shot Nummer 13) Auf ein Erfolgreiches Jahr 2024!
✔️ Kalender 30 x 45 (A3 hoch)
✔️ Oberfläche: Premium-Papier matt
✔️ Kalendariumdesign: abgerundet, Typ: Monatskalender
Informationen zum Hoodie:
✔️ 100% Baumwolle mit Life's Short Stunt It! - Brustdruck, 300gsm
✔️ Kordeln mit hochwertiger Alukappe, in perfekter Länge, sodass diese beim Biken nicht nervig ins Gesicht schlagen
✔️ MTN Etikett am Bund und im Nacken
✔️ Lukas trägt eine XL und ist 1,90m groß.
Informationen zum Shirt:
✔️ Hochwertiges schwarzes Baumwolle T-Shirt mit 'Life's Short STUNT IT!' Siebdruck auf der Brust
✔️ aus 100% Baumwolle
✔️ auch in Kindergrößen erhältlich!
✔️ Lukas ist 1,90m groß und trägt eine XL
So findest du die richtige Größe:
Artikel ausverkauft? Melde dich für unseren Newsletter an und erhalte Updates, wenn Artikel wieder aufgefüllt werden oder Neue Produkte online gehen: Hier Anmelden!
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Customer Reviews
A3 Calendar 2023 + Stunt It! Hoodie Bundle
Regular price €66,22 Sale price €54,54 Save €11,68A3 Calendar 2023 + Stunt It! Hoodie Bundle
Scope of delivery:
✔️ 1x A3 calendar 2023
✔️ 1x Stunt It! Hoodie in your size (please select)
✔️ in the bundle almost 14 reduced!!
Information about the calendar:
Created in collaboration with Robert Koehler, Lukas' go-to photographer - @visualize_productions !
12 months with the 12 best shots that the two have realized together. ( + the cover sheet as shot number 13) Here's to a successful year 2022!
✔️ Calendar 30 x 45 (A3 portrait)
✔️ Surface: Premium matte paper
✔️ Calendar Design: Rounded, Type: Monthly Calendar
- Shipping time 5-7 working days!
Hoodie information:
✔️ 100% cotton with Life's Short Stunt It! - Chest print, 300gsm
✔️ Cords with high-quality aluminum caps, the perfect length so that they don't smack you in the face when biking
✔️ MTN label on waistband and neck
✔️ Lukas wears an XL and is 1.90m tall.
Items sold out Sign up for our newsletter and receive updates when items are restocked or new products come online: Sign up here!
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Customer Reviews
A3 Kalender 2025
Regular price €25,13Kreiert in Zusammenarbeit mit Robert Köhler, Go-To-Fotograf von Lukas - @visualize_productions !
12 Monate mit den 12 Besten Shots, die die beiden zusammen verwirklicht haben. ( + das Deckblatt als Shot Nummer 13) Auf ein Erfolgreiches Jahr 2025!
✔️ Kalender 30 x 45 (A3 hoch)
✔️ Oberfläche: Premium-Papier matt
✔️ Kalendariumdesign: abgerundet, Typ: Monatskalender
- hier sind als Vorschau ein paar ausgewählte Shots zu sehen, der Rest ist eine Überraschung!
Artikel ausverkauft? Melde dich für unseren Newsletter an und erhalte Updates, wenn Artikel wieder aufgefüllt werden oder Neue Produkte online gehen: Hier Anmelden!
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Customer Reviews
A3 Kalender 2025 + Stunt It! Shirt Bundle
Regular price €45,21 Sale price €40,25 Save €4,96A3 Kalender 2025 + Stunt It! Shirt Bundle
✔️ 1x A3 Kalender 2025
✔️ 1x Stunt It! Shirt in deiner Größe (bitte auswählen)
✔️ im Bundle 6€ reduziert!
Informationen zum Kalender:
Kreiert in Zusammenarbeit mit Robert Köhler, Go-To-Fotograf von Lukas - @visualize_productions !
12 Monate mit den 12 Besten Shots, die die beiden zusammen verwirklicht haben. ( + das Deckblatt als Shot Nummer 13) Auf ein Erfolgreiches Jahr 2024!
✔️ Kalender 30 x 45 (A3 hoch)
✔️ Oberfläche: Premium-Papier matt
✔️ Kalendariumdesign: abgerundet, Typ: Monatskalender
Informationen zum Shirt:
✔️ Hochwertiges schwarzes Baumwolle T-Shirt mit 'Life's Short STUNT IT!' Siebdruck auf der Brust
✔️ aus 100% Baumwolle
✔️ auch in Kindergrößen erhältlich!
✔️ Lukas ist 1,90m groß und trägt eine XL
So findest du die richtige Größe:
Artikel ausverkauft? Melde dich für unseren Newsletter an und erhalte Updates, wenn Artikel wieder aufgefüllt werden oder Neue Produkte online gehen: Hier Anmelden!
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Customer Reviews
Takeoff college jacket
Regular price €162,94 Sale price €75,55 Save €87,39The Takeoff College Jacket is THE most special part of the limited Takeoff collection!
✔️ Faux leather sleeves
✔️ Terrycloth embroidery on sleeves, torso and back
✔️ The Motion Brand woven tape at the back of the neck
✔️ Snap button closures
✔️ two pockets
✔️ washable at 30 degrees Celsius
✔️ 600gsm
Lukas wears an XL and is 1.90m tall.
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Asteroid Half Zip Sweater
Regular price €104,87 Sale price €67,14 Save €37,73The Asteroid Half Zip Sweater comes as a limited part of the new Takeoff collection!
✔️ super comfortable fit
✔️ Brown Batik Wash
✔️ Buffer print on the back + chest
✔️ The Motion Brand woven tape at the back of the neck
✔️ MTN zip
✔️ 2 pockets and half zip
✔️ washable at 30 degrees Celsius
✔️ 380gsm
Lukas wears an XL and is 1.90m tall.
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Worldwide Hoodie (Aqua Mint Edition)
Regular price €78,91 Sale price €54,54 Save €24,37The Worldwide Hoodie is back! Now in the brand new Mint Edition! Perfect for the cold seasons. Discreet Worldwide front print on the chest and huge Worldwide print on the back.
✔️ super comfortable oversized fit
✔️ Colour:Mint/AquaFoam
✔️ Discreet Worldwide front print
✔️ Worldwide print on the back
✔️ MTN logo embroidery on the arm
✔️ 80/20 Cotton/Polyester 380 gsm for ultimate comfort and extreme durability
✔️ washable at 30 degrees Celsius
Lukas wears an L and is 1.90 m tall. (if you prefer a regular fit, you should take one size smaller than normal!)
You can find the size chart here:
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Customer Reviews
Worldwide Hoodie (Aqua Mint Edition)
Regular price €78,91 Sale price €54,54 Save €24,37The Worldwide Hoodie is back! Now in the brand new Mint Edition! Perfect for the cold seasons. Discreet Worldwide front print on the chest and huge Worldwide print on the back.
✔️ super comfortable oversized fit
✔️ Colour:Mint/AquaFoam
✔️ Discreet Worldwide front print
✔️ Worldwide print on the back
✔️ MTN logo embroidery on the arm
✔️ 80/20 Cotton/Polyester 380 gsm for ultimate comfort and extreme durability
✔️ washable at 30 degrees Celsius
Lukas wears an L and is 1.90 m tall. (if you prefer a regular fit, you should take one size smaller than normal!)
You can find the size chart here:
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Customer Reviews
Worldwide Hoodie (Aqua Mint Edition)
Regular price €78,91 Sale price €54,54 Save €24,37The Worldwide Hoodie is back! Now in the brand new Mint Edition! Perfect for the cold seasons. Discreet Worldwide front print on the chest and huge Worldwide print on the back.
✔️ super comfortable oversized fit
✔️ Colour:Mint/AquaFoam
✔️ Discreet Worldwide front print
✔️ Worldwide print on the back
✔️ MTN logo embroidery on the arm
✔️ 80/20 Cotton/Polyester 380 gsm for ultimate comfort and extreme durability
✔️ washable at 30 degrees Celsius
Lukas wears an L and is 1.90 m tall. (if you prefer a regular fit, you should take one size smaller than normal!)
You can find the size chart here:
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Customer Reviews
Trick Book (signed) + Stunt It! HOODIE + T-SHIRT Bundle
Regular price €79,66 Sale price €57,98 Save €21,68Trick Book (signed) + Stunt It! Hoodie Bundle
Scope of delivery:
✔️ 1x Signed How To Trick Book
✔️ 1x Stunt It! Hoodie in your size (please select)
✔️ 1x Stunt It! Shirt in your size (please select)
✔️ reduced in bundle over 25!!
Information about the book:
Whether it's your first trick or you're about to turn pro, this book will show you how to learn tricks quickly and confidently.
✔️ more than 800 images
✔️ over 55 tricks
✔️ Trick explanations for dirt jump, BMX, enduro and downhill bike applicable!
✔️ Step-by-step explanations, preliminary exercises and bonus exercises
✔️ 128 high quality printed color pages - 240x170mm
Hoodie information:
✔️ 100% cotton with Life's Short Stunt It! - Chest print, 300gsm
✔️ Cords with high-quality aluminum caps, the perfect length so that they don't smack you in the face when biking
✔️ MTN label on waistband and neck
✔️ Lukas wears an XL and is 1.90m tall.
Information about the shirt:
✔️ High-quality black cotton T-shirt with 'Life's Short STUNT IT!' Screenprint on the chest
✔️ made from 100% cotton
✔️ also available in children's sizes!
✔️ Lukas is 1.90m tall and wears an XL
Items sold out Sign up for our newsletter and receive updates when items are restocked or new products come online: Sign up here!
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Customer Reviews
MTN Components Lenker- & Vorbau-Bundle (+GRATIS Griffe & Mudguard!)
Regular price €109,08 Sale price €91,60 Save €17,48Wir haben eine gigantische Aktion für euch! DU kannst jetzt dein Bike mit unserem MTN Components Cockpit pimpen... und das 10€ günstiger + Gratis Griffe + Gratis Terra Mudguard! Was für eine Aktion oder?
Wenn du mit dem besten Barspin-Setup im Dirtjump/Slopestyle-Bereich trickst oder mit dem Downhill oder Enduro Bike Abfahrten in den Dreck brennst, tagge uns mit @themotionbrand und wir teilen vielleicht deinen Beitrag!
Unser Lenker:
✔️ Breite: 800mm (kürzbar)
✔️ Klemmung: 31.8mm
✔️ Rise: 25mm
✔️ Backsweep: 9°, Upsweep: 5°
✔️ Farbe: mattschwarz
✔️ Material: Alu
✔️ Für Dirtjump, Freeride, Enduro, Downhill, Street und Skatepark
✔️ Gewicht ca. 363g
Unser Vorbau:
✔️ Ahead-Vorbau
✔️ Länge: 35mm
✔️ Klemmung: 31.8mm
✔️ Farbe: mattschwarz
✔️ Material: AL-6061
✔️ Für Dirtjump, Freeride, Enduro, Street und Skatepark
✔️ Gewicht ca. 125g
Die Griffe werden in der Farbe schwarz geliefert und das Terra Mudguard kommt inkl. 6 Kabelbinder für die Befestigung an deinem Bike!
1x Vorbau, 1x Lenker, 1x Paar Griffe, 1x Terra Mudguard inkl. 6 Kabelbinder
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Skatepark Trick-Buch & Royal Blue Worldwide Hoodie Bundle
Regular price €74,71 Sale price €54,54 Save €20,17Das neue Skatepark Trick-Buch mit dem Blue Worldwide Hoodie! Im Bundle 15€ günstiger.
Zum Trick-Buch:
Egal ob es dein erster Skatepark-Trick ist oder du kurz davor bist Profi zu werden, in diesem Buch erfährst du, wie du Tricks schnell und sicher lernst.
✔️ mehr als 800 Bilder
✔️ über 45 neue Tricks
✔️ Trickerklärungen für Dirtjump, BMX, Enduro und Downhill-Bike anwendbar!
✔️ Schritt für Schritt Erklärungen, Vorübungen und Bonusübungen
✔️ 128 hochwertig bedruckte Farbseiten- 240x170mm
Zum Worldwide Hoodie:
✔️ super bequemer Fit
✔️ Farbe: Royal Blue/Königsblau
✔️ Dezenter Worldwide Frontprint
✔️ Großer Worldwide-Print auf dem Rücken
✔️ MOTION & BRAND Print auf den Ärmeln
✔️ 80/20 Cotton/Polyester 380 gsm für ultimativen Tragekomfort und extrem lange Haltbarkeit
✔️ waschbar bei 30 Grad Celsius
Lukas trägt eine L und ist 1,90m groß. (wer es lieber im regular Fit mag, sollte eine Größe kleiner, als normal nehmen!)
So findest du die richtige Größe:
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Customer Reviews
Skatepark Trick-Buch & Purple Worldwide Hoodie Bundle
Regular price €74,71 Sale price €54,54 Save €20,17Das neue Skatepark Trick-Buch mit dem Purple Worldwide Hoodie! Im Bundle 15€ günstiger.
Zum Trick-Buch:
Egal ob es dein erster Skatepark-Trick ist oder du kurz davor bist Profi zu werden, in diesem Buch erfährst du, wie du Tricks schnell und sicher lernst.
✔️ mehr als 800 Bilder
✔️ über 45 neue Tricks
✔️ Trickerklärungen für Dirtjump, BMX, Enduro und Downhill-Bike anwendbar!
✔️ Schritt für Schritt Erklärungen, Vorübungen und Bonusübungen
✔️ 128 hochwertig bedruckte Farbseiten- 240x170mm
Zum Worldwide Hoodie:
✔️ super bequemer Fit
✔️ Farbe: Purple/Lila
✔️ Dezenter Worldwide Frontprint
✔️ Großer Worldwide-Print auf dem Rücken
✔️ MOTION & BRAND Print auf den Ärmeln
✔️ 80/20 Cotton/Polyester 380 gsm für ultimativen Tragekomfort und extrem lange Haltbarkeit
✔️ waschbar bei 30 Grad Celsius
Lukas trägt eine L und ist 1,90m groß. (wer es lieber im regular Fit mag, sollte eine Größe kleiner, als normal nehmen!)
So findest du die richtige Größe:
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Customer Reviews
Skatepark Trick-Buch & Black Worldwide Hoodie Bundle
Regular price €74,78 Sale price €58,74 Save €16,04Das neue Skatepark Trick-Buch mit dem Black Worldwide Hoodie! Im Bundle 15€ günstiger.
Zum Skatepark-Trick-Buch:
Egal ob es dein erster Skatepark-Trick ist oder du kurz davor bist Profi zu werden, in diesem Buch erfährst du, wie du Tricks schnell und sicher lernst.
✔️ mehr als 800 Bilder
✔️ über 45 neue Tricks
✔️ Trickerklärungen für Dirtjump, BMX, Enduro und Downhill-Bike anwendbar!
✔️ Schritt für Schritt Erklärungen, Vorübungen und Bonusübungen
✔️ 128 hochwertig bedruckte Farbseiten- 240x170mm
Zum Worldwide Hoodie:
✔️ super bequemer Fit
✔️ Farbe: Black/Schwarz
✔️ Dezenter Worldwide Frontprint
✔️ Großer Worldwide-Print auf dem Rücken
✔️ MOTION & BRAND Print auf den Ärmeln
✔️ 80/20 Cotton/Polyester 380 gsm für ultimativen Tragekomfort und extrem lange Haltbarkeit
✔️ waschbar bei 30 Grad Celsius
Lukas trägt eine L und ist 1,90m groß. (wer es lieber im regular Fit mag, sollte eine Größe kleiner, als normal nehmen!)
So findest du die richtige Größe:
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Customer Reviews
Trick-Buch & MTN Components Lenker-Bundle
Regular price €71,34 Sale price €58,74 Save €12,60Das neue Skatepark Trick-Buch mit dem MTN Components Lenker! Im Bundle 10€ günstiger.
Zum Trick-Buch:
Egal ob es dein erster Skatepark-Trick ist oder du kurz davor bist Profi zu werden, in diesem Buch erfährst du, wie du Tricks schnell und sicher lernst.
✔️ mehr als 800 Bilder
✔️ über 45 neue Tricks
✔️ Trickerklärungen für Dirtjump, BMX, Enduro und Downhill-Bike anwendbar!
✔️ Schritt für Schritt Erklärungen, Vorübungen und Bonusübungen
✔️ 128 hochwertig bedruckte Farbseiten- 240x170mm
Zum Lenker:
✔️ Breite: 800mm (kürzbar)
✔️ Klemmung: 31.8mm
✔️ Rise: 25mm
✔️ Backsweep: 9°, Upsweep: 5°
✔️ Farbe: mattschwarz
✔️ Material: Alu
✔️ Für Dirtjump, Freeride, Enduro, Downhill, Street und Skatepark
✔️ Gewicht ca. 363g
1x Buch, 1x Lenker
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Pink YinYang Longsleeve
Regular price €32,77 Sale price €29,33 Save €3,44The Pink YinYang Longsleeve is super comfortable and definitely an eye-catcher of the new collection! Simple front print, rounded off by a small terry cloth stick on the sleeve. The same cut was used here as with the White Buddha Longsleeve, making it just as comfortable to wear. Whether as a streetwear or bikewear piece.
✔️ Motion print on chest
✔️ Terry cloth embroidery on the sleeve
✔️ Color:pink
✔️ super comfortable o versized fit
✔️ Comfortable fabric
✔️ washable at 30 degrees Celsius
Lukas wears an L and is 1.90m tall. (if you prefer a regular fit, you should take one size smaller than normal!)
You can find the size chart here:
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Customer Reviews
Mercury Cream Zip Hoodie
Regular price €67,14 Sale price €46,13 Save €21,01Of the Mercury Cream Zip Hoodie comes as a limited part of the new Takeoff collection in the color peanut butter!
✔️ super comfortable fit
✔️ Colour: Peanut Butter
✔️ Terry cloth stick on the chest
✔️ The Motion Brand woven tape at the back of the neck
✔️ MTN zip
✔️ Cropped cut
✔️ washable at 30 degrees Celsius
✔️ 380 gsm
Lukas wears an XL and is 1.90m tall.
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Coral YinYang Longsleeve 2.0
Regular price €32,77 Sale price €29,33 Save €3,44The Coral YinYang Longsleeve is super comfortable and the successor of the pink longsleeve, the YinYang collection. Simple front print, rounded off by a small terry cloth stick on the sleeve. The same cut was used here as with the White Buddha Longsleeve, making it just as comfortable to wear, whether for biking or in everyday life.
✔️ Motion print on chest
✔️ Terry cloth embroidery on the sleeve
✔️ Color:Coral/Orange
✔️ super comfortable o versized fit
✔️ Comfortable fabric
✔️ washable at 30 degrees Celsius
Lukas wears an L and is 1.90m tall. (if you prefer a regular fit, you should take one size smaller than normal!)
You can find the size chart here:
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Customer Reviews
Reflective jogging pants
Regular price €46,13 Sale price €37,73 Save €8,40Our very first jogging pants, upon your request! The Reflective Jogging Pants are so comfortable, you never want to take them off! Goes perfectly as an outfit with the motion blue graphite hoodie or the crewnecks, but can also be stylishly combined with everything else!
✔️ super comfortable oversized fit
✔️ Minimalist Life's Short Stunt It print on the shin
✔️ Reflective Motion print on the calf
✔️ 80/20 Cotton/Polyester 380 gsm for ultimate comfort and extreme durability
✔️ washable at 30 degrees Celsius
Lukas wears an L and is 1.90m tall. (if you prefer a regular fit, you should take one size smaller than normal!)
You can find the size chart here:
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Customer Reviews
Reflective jogging pants
Regular price €46,13 Sale price €37,73 Save €8,40Our very first jogging pants, upon your request! The Reflective Jogging Pants are so comfortable, you never want to take them off! Goes perfectly as an outfit with the motion blue graphite hoodie or the crewnecks, but can also be stylishly combined with everything else!
✔️ super comfortable oversized fit
✔️ Minimalist Life's Short Stunt It print on the shin
✔️ Reflective Motion print on the calf
✔️ 80/20 Cotton/Polyester 380 gsm for ultimate comfort and extreme durability
✔️ washable at 30 degrees Celsius
Lukas wears an L and is 1.90m tall. (if you prefer a regular fit, you should take one size smaller than normal!)
You can find the size chart here:
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00
Customer Reviews
Reflective jogging pants
Regular price €46,13 Sale price €37,73 Save €8,40Our very first jogging pants, upon your request! The Reflective Jogging Pants are so comfortable, you never want to take them off! Goes perfectly as an outfit with the motion blue graphite hoodie or the crewnecks, but can also be stylishly combined with everything else!
✔️ super comfortable oversized fit
✔️ Minimalist Life's Short Stunt It print on the shin
✔️ Reflective Motion print on the calf
✔️ 80/20 Cotton/Polyester 380 gsm for ultimate comfort and extreme durability
✔️ washable at 30 degrees Celsius
Lukas wears an L and is 1.90m tall. (if you prefer a regular fit, you should take one size smaller than normal!)
You can find the size chart here:
Shipping in Germany:
- Delivery time:1-2 working days*
- Free shipping from an order value of 80€!
- up to a value of 80€:4.50€
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers):€0.95
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):1.55€
* with immediate payment! (Payment by Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Sofort-Überwesiung/Klarna) The receipt of advance payments may take longer due to possibly different credit institutions, and thus the shipping! (usually 2-3 working days longer)
Shipping to Austria & Switzerland:
- Delivery time 2-4 working days
- up to a value of €80:€7.00
- Mail delivery (sticker packs & vouchers ):€1.50
- Shipping of pop sockets, bandana laces and bracelets (also in combination with a sticker pack or with the respective other product):3.70€
- Free shipping from an order value of 150€!
- Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Shipping to other countries:
- Delivery time 7-14 working days
- USA, Canada, Russia:€15.00
- all other countries in Europe:postage €1.70; Shipping of goods:€7.00; Goods shipping heavy:€9.00